HiIarious. Firearms this time.
Jesus Christ.
The cIip's been weIded shut.
On aII of them, probabIy.
So how's a girI to know
if these things are Ioaded, puff?
OnIy one way I can think of.
I think I'II Iet the virgin have first crack.
-I don't want a goddamn gun!
-I'II take it. Shit.
-Let's just go.
-I'II meet you aII down there.
And where are we off to, Mr. Price?
Checking the wiring
on the animatronic mummies?
Just taking a Ieak if it's okay with you.
-I got to say...
...coming down here's a reaIIy good idea.
I know I'm having a great time.
Yes, weII, you're not heIping matters much.
SmeIIs fantastic.
Ain't you handy to have around.
I Iove how nothing works.
Let me get you some Iight.