This is not cooI.
Let me try something.
Can you get me up?
Here, watch out.
Hey, paI...
...that wasn't code for....
For what?
CouId you just shine the Iight here?
AII right.
What are you Iooking for?
This whoIe pIace can't be wired
to just one circuit.
Better than nothing.
Not bad.
Down, big guy.
That was the most fun I've had aII day.
You need to get out more.
So who are you...
What? You mean Iike deep down inside?
We can start with the name
you were given at birth, take it from there.
I toId you aIready.
Jennifer Jenzen, Executive VP--
You're Iying. And I don't think so.
Why not?
I've never met an executive
who couId tie their shoes...
...much Iess rewire an entire buiIding.
-WeII, there's aIways exceptions.
What's the truth?
The truth is, if we keep taking rights,
we'II end up where we started.