House on Haunted Hill

We'II be out of here in a whiIe and go
our separate ways a $1 miIIion richer.

So what does it matter
who I am or who I'm not?

Okay, so Iet's say, hypotheticaIIy,
I'm not exactIy who I said I was.

So you're right, you're a genius.
I don't know anyone that couId've seen
through me Iike that.

:38:20 reaI name is Sara,
and I'm an assistant.

Was, anyway, to the reaI Jennifer bitch
that was invited here.

And now you know. And I'm begging
that you don't teII anyone...

...because I'm out of a job and couId use
even a tenth of that money.

You know, if this is your idea of funny,
think again.

In fact, you're reaIIy starting to piss me off.
Eddie, wait!
For a second I actuaIIy thought
that you were a decent guy.

What is your probIem?
