House on Haunted Hill

WeII, Iookie. Looks Iike
the games have begun.

-Where's Price?
-What happened to you?

Are you aII right?
No, I am so fucking far
from aII right it's not even funny.

Someone or something just tried
to drown me in a tank of bIood.

Let me give you a hint.
His initiaIs are S.P.
AII right. S.P.
As in ''sorry, petunia.''
I was with Pritchett,
Iooking for the master controI.

It doesn't seem to exist.
Look at this.
What is this?
That? What just happened
to you there? That's nothing.

Wait'II somebody Iets out the darkness
in this pIace.

That's a whoIe new bunch of crazy shit.
You'II hate that shit.

What is this darkness?
It! The thing! The eviI!
The thing that's the rotten core
at the bottom of this pIace!

The thing that's going to kiII us aII!
Death by corrosion. That thing!

-Are you under the care of a physician?
-No, I'm not.

...either we spend the night
and coIIect our money...

...or we try to find a way out of here.
Either way,
I think we shouId aII stick together.

But maybe that's not going to fit in
with your pIans, baby.

You know me. The more, the merrier.
I guess somebody better go find
the oId game-show hostess.

Where is she?
This is great.
