Friends, your hostess is now going
to retire for what's Ieft of the night.
If you need me,
I'II be upstairs in the bedroom.
And if anyone so much
as peeks in the keyhoIe...
...I'm going to empty this thing
into their fucking head.
Come on.
I Ioaded them with bIanks.
And even if I were going
to murder my wife...
...I don't think I'd do it in a Iocked house
with quite so many witnesses.
Take this.
What good is a miIIion doIIars
if you're dead?
Let's find a way to get out of here.
I'm going to try to find Ms. Marr.
I'm going to go find me something to drink.
How is she puIIing this off?
Ms. Marr?