House on Haunted Hill

Was it too compIicated for you?
Let me speII it out for you then, kids.

A: EveIyn sure as heII didn't kiII herseIf.
B: I know I didn't do it.
Which just Ieaves us with C.

One of you motherfuckers
murdered my wife!

You're taIking crazy, Price.
Who'II teII me about the strange guy
with the mustache and the Iab coat...

...who I've been chasing
aII over this goddamn house?

Some IittIe shit...
...working for one of you,
hoping to pocket severaI miIIion bucks.

Now I want some answers.
Put that away.
Put the gun down, Mr. Price.
Back up, honey.
There's a one in four chance it's you.
Put the gun down!
Let's see who bIinks first.
What do we do with him?
Open this fucking door!
-You sure this thing wiII hoId him?
-It won't be a probIem.

Come on.
You going to make sure
he doesn't get out?

I'II stay and keep an eye on him.
You'II be okay by yourseIf?
I hope.
I have to teII you,
I'm just a IittIe bit uncomfortabIe with this.

I'm sure you are.
