So what are you supposed
to be, anyway?
...a fast-food employee that
cut off his own hand.
Come on!
Anton, we're back!
We got antiseptic
and adhesive bandages!
The ouch-free kind!
'' Microwave for three minutes
and enjoy.''
That's really getting on my nerves.
What are you doing?
Could you...?
This way.
Yeah. That's better.
All right.
Thanks, man!
Maybe we should clean it first.
Hey, yeah! And while we're at it,
we can clean the whole house.
This ain't our mess.
Look, l can't go to the dance yet,
okay? l'm sorry.
My parents will be home
in a few minutes.
lf they see the mess l made,
they'll kill me.
Look, l won't be too long.