Like an animal, they said.
They put him in an African
prison for a year. He hasn't
spoken a word since his arrest.
So, what do we have here?
He lives with the animals,
takes on their behavior.
Becomes one.
- How does that happen?
- Exactly.
They want a 30-day evaluation, followed
immediately by a hearing with a judge.
I'll give him a day to rest,
then I'll see him on Thursday.
Uh, Ben, there's something
I want to ask you for.
- What is it?
- Ethan Powell.
The evaluation...
I want it.
You don't have nearly enough
experience for a case like this.
You know that, don't you?
Why should I give it to you?
- Important issues here, Ben.
- Yes.
One of them is your career,
I mean, a case like this
is all about career, and you've
been thinking about that.
It'd be a leap for you.
What if I can get him
to speak?
Get Powell to speak?
Ah. You mustn't confuse
a mute murderer...
with little Annie Belden
and her pope fantasy...
or Rondelli the flasher
or any of those.
What if I can?
Well, then you write a best-seller
about it. Am I right?
I'm ready for this, Ben.
Do you have a title yet?
For the best-seller?
What is it?
Tell me.
Is that a yes?