Dr. Theo Caulder. Second interview
with patient, Dr. Ethan Powell.
How are we today,
Dr. Powell?
Dr. Powell is unresponsive.
I'm gonna ask you to identify
certain objects, Doctor.
You can speak
or write down your answer.
What is this a picture of,
- The patient makes no sign
that he can understand.
- And this?
And this?
And this?
What is this a picture of,
Can you write it down?
And this?
And this?
What is this a picture of?
And this?
- Hey, leave him alone!
Leave him alone!
- Goddamn it!
- I told you not to do that!
Keep your distance!
- Leave the patient!
- Do not cross this line!
- Back away from my patient.
Back away from the patient!
Okay, Doctor.
It's your ass.