Jakob the Liar

Don't tell me lies.
I'm desperate, not stupid.

Get out of here, please.
Please leave me alone.

Go ahead.
People will say Kowalsky
didn't keep his part of a bargain.

I'm entitled to
daily shaves and haircuts.

In exchange, you can eat
all the pancakes you want in my café.

You haven't made any for 3 years.
What can I do?
The Germans don't let potatoes in.

But your beard keeps growing.
That's not my fault.
A deaI's a deaI.

Oh, good.
What are you complaining about?
You have a dull razor.

Sit down.
Barber with a dull razor
is like a blind moyl.

No insults. Sit down, please.
Here we go.

Here. Enough.
Good. Enough!
No, thank you.
Excuse me.
My respects, professor.

I caught a cold last night.
Do you have some medicaI advice?

A cigar
and brandy, taken in Monte Carlo.

Give me your hand, professor.
-You have a good night?
-Good night?

If three suicides balanced by
one birth is a good night, then, yes.

Splendid, wonderfuI night.
Line up two at a time!
Pick a partner!
