Go away.
Don't stand here.
I can't let you do something stupid!
Can you stop me?
I'm your manager.
You're not a very good one.
You're not a very good boxer.
-You want to try me?
-We're not the same weight class!
The guard is coming.
You'll make a good-looking corpse.
I'll take one of those
bastards with me.
The Russians are in Bezanika.
And I heard Hitler's applying
to be chief rabbi in Berlin.
-It's the truth.
-Let go!
I heard it on the radio!
It's forbidden to talk.
Go to work.
What are you laughing at?
Forgive me, but...
...I just heard good news.
Go, go!
You'll get shot.
-You have a radio?
-Who said that?
-You said that.
-No, I didn't.
-What have we been talking about?
-Shut up!
You sneaky bastard!
You had a radio all this time!
I can't believe it!
I have no radio. I just said that
to keep you from getting shot.
Nobody'd say that if he didn't.
Do you realize the penalty
for having a radio is death?
I was Iying!