You don't understand.
We have a radio!
You want to get killed too?
You did this!
Did you have to shout from
the rooftops that the war is over?
Look where it got us!
Don't blame yourself.
If HerscheI wanted to save the world,
that was his choice.
We need more Jews like HerscheI.
At least he tried to give
these people some hope.
He's a hero like you.
I'm not a hero.
I'm a latke vendor.
A latke vendor with a radio.
Who just killed a friend.
If you hang yourself, I'll kill you.
Are you going to listen to London?
I can't take anymore.
You must tell me.
The Russians-
There are no Russians!
No radio! No nothing!
What do you mean?
I mean I don't have the slightest idea
where the Russians are.