Jing ke ci qin wang

Your Majesty...
I've come to say farewell.
Where are you going?
I'm going home to Zhao.
Why are you leaving me?

Your daily visits seem
more like an obligation.

Is this what our love
has become?

Do you still know what I want?
How I want to live?
You don't.
I must smile all the time...
speak softly and walk gently
with my head down.

I feel like an object
on display in your palace!

I want to speak in a loud voice.
Cry when I feel like crying.
I don't want to be nice
to everybody.

I can't live like this...
but I have for so long.
I'm leaving.
Do you remember
when we were young?

When it snowed in the winter...
we frolicked in the hay.
We were cold and hungry,
but we were happy.

We would fall into the hay.
It was so warm...
