Where's the money?
This is aII I have today.
30000 won!
Quiet down!
Uh. Boss? What if the fricks
come back? We need security.
Do you think they're stupid
or something?
Coming back here.
You are stupid aren't you?
Where's the money?
WouId you hoId cash if you
were rob once dick head?
If you're pIaying games..
My wife took it before dinner!
Fucking bitch!
Wai..Wait! I'm about to
have a nervous break down.
HeIIo? Man-su? Let me taIk to mom.
Don't you even know
your own father's voice!
Never mind ice cream. Where's mom?
There isn't...?
When did she say she'II be back?
I toId you nothing tricky!
She just went to the hospitaI.
HeIIo? Where's your mom?