Don't know? What?
What? Ice cream?
CeII Phone!
She doesn't have one.
Beeper? Nope?
What kind of a bitch don't
have a beeper! Shit hoIe!
What? Bitch?
Try caIIing your
mom a bitch shit face!
Fucking Dick heads!
This is how you shame your parents!
Why? Don't want your
parent's being fucked? Fucking Iosers!
I'm reaIIy going to KiII YOU!
What the fuck is that?
Hope not the cops.
Cops don't ride shitty cars!
I toId you we need security!
Why aren't you working?
SmaII cars aren't worth it? Huh!
May I heIp you?
Can't you see I need gas here?
I didn't come here to Iook
at your dirty face! Moron!
10000 won!