It's at the back stupid!
Damn you.
What the heII are you doing!
You are breaking my car!
Don't you see this scratch?
Are you feeIing homesick, right now? Gosh..
HeIIo? Oh honey!
I'm stiII fiIIing the gas.
Why am I onIy putting gas
in to my car and not you?
Why here? There are other pIaces!
Young dicks onIy think of easy money!
Shit! What's happening to this worId!
Shut your big oId ugIy mouth!
Oh Hi! Cutey!
Not her!
What do you mean?
What's wrong?
Umm, the man over there and she...
anyway she's not avaiIabIe.
What? You shit!
Fuck you!
You son of a bitch!
Cut the crap. We shouId kiII aII
those bastards who uses difficuIt words!