New faces. Did some excercise, heh?
You seem Iike you wiII
gonna stay Iong here.
Wheres Kim? Cards again? Shit!
I thought having a cup of coffee
but, he is so stingy.
Hey! Saw a crazy driver passing by?
ReaIIy? Gonna get that bastard.
Hey! What's this motor cycIe and car?
- Just come here!
- Just come here!
What are those cars?
It's Nubira 2 and Leganza.
What's the big deaI?
Can this be insured?
Never! Have to pay by themseIves.
That's the probIem with Korean
Cars they're too weak.
- What's the matter with it?
I knew it! They'II think we did it!
I didn't do it!
It just broke by itseIf!
Hey, he saw the crazy driver pass by
why are you teIIin me now.
Let's have a coffee break.
Best coffees are bending
machine coffees.
Drink Korean beverages dork.
Them young shits.
You pack money
and give to the yankees.
What the fuckers!
- Sir, this is Korean.
It's not home product, you idiot!
Don't you know Pepsi
is American stupid?
Look at this T'aeguk mark!
- What a idiot!