Fucking shits!
What's aII this?
I toId you to study!
I don't want to.
Don't want to?
Than die you fucking trash!
Honey pIease..
Get away from me bitch.
This is aII your fauIt!
What the heII...?
- PIease....
Than do it right!
- I'm going to kiII you!
Die! Die! This is aII fuck! Shit!
Why are your heads up?
- What the fuck?
You are asking for troubIe shit hoIe!
- What?!
When did you start working here?
What took you so Iong?
SIow fucking shit?
How much?
Every shity is caIIing my name!
I can stand anything but
disrespect for the deIivery boy.
I toId you Iots of pickIes.
Who's in charge? It's fucking wrong.
Didn't anyone toId you about
my fucking personaIity? Damn you!