A poem, sir.
Which one?
Antonio Machado's
''Childhood Memory''.
Very good. Go ahead.
slowly and clearly.
And watch the punctuation.
''A cold and grey winter afternoon.
The pupils are studying.
Monotony of rain
behind the windows.
The classroom. A picture.
shows Cain, fugitive,
and Abel dead,
next to a crimson stain.''
What does...
''monotony of rain'' mean,
When it rains, it pours,
Don Gregorio. - Good.
Now, a dictation...
Come in, come in.
How are you?
l'm fine. But the boy isn't.
l don't understand.
Yesterday l gave him
a math problem,
and he was hopeless.
Yes... lt's true he should
work a bit harder, but...
Spare the rod...
Get those numbers
into his head.
Give them to the teacher.
No, l can't accept them...
You won't snub me?
Please, Don Avelino,
l wouldn't...
They're very good.
Like l said: make
an effort with the boy.
Take these capons.
Put them in your desk
and return them to your father.
All right.
But he'll be angry.
He'll slap me.
Good Lord...