When it's in love, it gives
its girlfriend an orchid,
a flower that's beautiful
and very expensive.
Hey, kids...
You're the tailor's sons, right?
An instrument?
A saxophone.
l thought so.
- Do you play well?
- Great. l'll be a musician, too.
What will you play?
The piano. The sax
isn't good for my lungs.
l have a band,
''The Blue Orchestra''.
Your father made
our costumes.
''From the farthest shore,
the sunset behind us,
The Blue Orchestra, from Galicia!''
Come with me.
Then we went
to the chocolate factory
and they asked what
he could play
and l said ''ln the World''...
Why did he take you
to the factory?
- The orchestra practices there.
- That's news to me.
ln exchange, they advertise
the chocolate.
Between songs,
the musicians say:
''Exprés Chocolate, the best!''
They all say it together:
''Exprés Chocolate, the best!''
That's frivolous.
Why should
a dance band be serious?
They'll pay you?
Macías said if l'm good,
we'll see.
You see?
There's no easy
path to heaven.
After all, what has
he got to lose?
Say yes, Mom!
You have to mend this.
lt's big enough for both of you.
First l'll wash it.
God knows who wore it.
A sax player.
Now l don't want
to play piano, Mom.
Mr. Macías will teach me
the drums.
Calm down.
- When do you start?
- During the Carnival.