La Ley de Herodes

Didn't they tell you?
They cut his head off
with a machete!

They cut it off, and that's
not the end of the story...

...of the mayors
of San Pedro.

Another was hanged,
another almost burned alive.

Three mayors killed
in 5 years.

Why would they send me?
I don't know...
...but they must have done
something wrong, right?

Who knows? But...
...just in case.
Good morning.
What's this, Pek?
Licenciado Vargas.
This is Dr. Morales.

- Pleased to meet you, doctor.
- Six bullets.

This, like all the problems
in San Pedro...

:17:08 due to that brothel.
I suppose you know it.

No, No...
Whit this are eight dead men,
not counting the diseases...

...half the village
is infected with.

Something must be done
about that place!

Don't worry, doctor. I'll take
the necessary steps to close...

It's your duty!
I've only arrived. I promise...
Look, it's very easy.
Do your job and I assure you
everything will be fine.

If not, I promise you'll regret
ever coming to San Pedro.

Who's this man, Pek?
Dr. Morales is someone
to watch out for, licenciado.

He's been the PAN candidate
for mayor four times...

...and always complains
about fraud.
