La Ley de Herodes

See dona Lupe? You never
know who you're working for.

What's up, licenciado?
You found out something about
the murder of dona Lupe?

We're on it.
There are several suspects.

Everything points
to crime of passion.

Crime of passion?
What about the robbery?

That was a read herring.
But I didn't come
to discuss that.

I want you to do me a favor.
But I've already paid
you for the month.

No, no.
Nothing to do with that.

I'm here to make
a business proposal.

I've got to find a place
for dona Lupe's girls...

...and I thought we could
make a partnership.

No, licenciado.
My business isn't prostitution.

I guarantee you, we'll
get loaded. What do you say?

No, lic.
Look! There's my boss.
He'll make it as governor.
Well it won't
be easy for him.

Terrazas is related
to the president.

He's got the party base
behind him, even the unions.

My chief won't allow it
he's a good bastard.

If he wins. I'll be
in the big leagues. Cheers!

Pek, Lady Luck
is smilling on us.

Some one did us a big favor
getting rid of dona Lupe.

And that's not all;
our boss is set to be governor.

Nothing can stop us.
