La Ley de Herodes

Hello, girl, is your boss in?
- Good morning, Rosita.
- Good morning.

I'm sorry to be here
so early without warning...

...but I must speak
with your husband.

Chencha, go and get
some firewood!

Go on, stop hanging around!
Come in, licenciado. Come in,
make yourself at home.

Thank you.
Please excuse my appearance,

- Rosita, is your husband here?
- No, he isn't.

Do you know where he is?
He was very angry.
He couldn't sleep all night.
He woke up very early
and went to the capital.

He went to complain about you
to your bosses.

Rosita, it was all
a misunderstanding.

I came to tell him
we've got a suspect...

No! Really?
- I have to go, Rosita. - No, no, licenciado.
You are going to stay here.
I'll take your mind off it.

That's fine, my child.
You can go.

Now... what's up?
You must help me father.
I'm about to be unemployed,
and you without a car!

- Why?
- Fucking Dr. Morales.

We had an argument and he
went to talk to my bosses.

But we must stop him
or we're fucked?

Forgive him, Lord.
Help me, father.
What should we do?

J... K...
