- What does that asshole want?
- The usual.
He says Vargas of San Pedro
is pocketing and...
...he's made a fortune in that
fucking village we sent him to.
You know.
...why don't you go home?
I'll stand guard here.
No, no, no.
I'm not moving from here.
I don't know why, Ramirez,
but I think today's the day.
But, licenciado, you haven't
eaten or slept in three days.
I think that...
At your orders, general.
Are you sure? But, general...
Yes, yes. Don't worry.
I'm a party man.
I know the rules.
Thank you for calling.
Fucking shitty party!
What happened, licenciado?
Terrazas got the nomination
in the capital!
Now we're fucked!
If Dr. Morales wasn't
in trouble with the law...
...he wouldn't be living
in a shitty village like this.
No, licenciado.
Do you believe that
about the girls?
Six girls have
denounced him.
But he seemed so decent
and educated, I never thought...
The PAN members are
just hypocrites.
Forgive the intrusion,
but we've caught a suspect.
You better confess, Filemon!
I swear on my mother,
I didn't do anything, boss!