La Ley de Herodes

I swear somebody
put me those shoes.

Don't write that, Pek.
I think you need something
to help you remember.

Go inside and see if
you can find a bottle, Pek.

Confess and I'll pay
you well, Filemon.

Confess, asshole!
Yes, yes!
I did it!
What happened, licenciado?
- Nothing, nothing.
- What's going on, Juan?

Nothing, honey.
Go back inside.

Write it down, he confessed.
On thursday morning,
around seven o'clock...

...Dr. Morales sent for him...
...and offered him...
...twenty pesos...
...and a bottle
to do a little job.

Sons of bitches!
They want to send me
as ambassador to Bolivia.

Me! The party's founder!
That's how those assholes
licenciaditos pay me back!

They want to cut me out so
they can do their businesses...

...without sharing the pie!
But what do we do? We're not
going to sit and wait.

Of course not, Lopez!
We'll form a new party.

The Party
of the Real Revolution.

You'll see the faces
of those assholes!

And I swear in six years time
I'll have their asses!

I'll be president!
But that's a long time. What
do we do in the meantime?

Give them a scare, Lopez.
Solve it like we used to
in the old days.

Come on, Filemon!
Stop looking so sad.
