I appreciateyourcandor.
Really, I do.
I think it's always good
to know
where somebody's
yourorigins have been
a bitofa mysteryto me.
[crickets chirping]
Look howflat
thatwater is.
You could get 10 skips
on a good one, easy.
Skipping stones.
Growing up,
I used to summer
atmygrandparents' place
on a lake likethis.
I'd skip stones all day.
Beat playing
with the other kids.
I'm sure itdid.
Look, I think it's best
ifyou stayed onshore
a while.
I begyour pardon?
I'm nottrying
to picka fight,
butwhatever's outthere
did flip a canoe.
I am not
staying onshore.
It's dangerous.
No, I didn'tfly up here
justto roastmarshmallows.
Whydidyou fly up here?
paleontologists are not
sentto Maine
to huntforcrocodiles.
I was sent up here
to lookatthetooth.
You looked atthetooth.
Whatareyou doing
out here?
I was dating my boss...
and heturned outto be
involved with a coworker
whowas also myfriend.
And forthe sake
I was shipped off
to Maine.
And I don'tfeel
like going backyet.
I'm notmaking it up.
Still,you don't
haveto stayout here.
I mean,
you can stay in town.
I've come. I'm here.
I'm staying...
unlessthere areticks.