Mr. Kurtzman.
Would you come out of the closet?
Yes, sir.
I don't ever wanna see you
with my daughter again.
At school you will be
respectful and cordial...
...but no activities outside school.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir. I just don't think...
It's very clear to my daughter.
Don't you agree, Sylvia?
Now, will you please leave?
He needs a ride home.
I'll drive him.
Sylvia, you will remain here.
- This is your house?
- Yes, sir.
Shouldn't you be getting out?
It's Sinatra, sir.
You don't walk out on Frank, sir.
I mean, it would be too disrespectful.
I gotta go.
Okay, it's over now.
Good night, sir.