What's happening?
I've gotta go.
We've got problems.
He's Little Melvin. Colored
drug dealer on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sells reefer. Strictly smalltime.
Bets 50 to celebrate
his mother's birthday.
This wipes me out.
Little Melvin called.
He's coming by to pick up his haul.
- You didn't let on?
- No, no.
Listen, Nate, I feel responsible.
The bonus was my idea.
To hell with this apology shit.
I bought the idea.
Nobody bets 50 on a number.
A nickel, a dime, a buck.
Five, tops.
$50, never. It's unheard of!
What'll we do?
We don't have a lot of time
to find a solution.
So how come we never talk
about what Dad does?
Because it's illegal.
But not that bad.
Is everything gonna be all right?
Your father takes care of himself.
Why don't you tell them
about Patterson Park?
What about Patterson Park?
When your father was a teenager,
he went over to Patterson Park.
Why, I'll never know.
He saw some guys playing ball,
and he tried to get into the game.
One of the guys asked if your father
was Jewish. He said he was.
One thing led to another,
and your father was beaten up.