Could've gone 50-50. Or kill him.
Gotta love the guineas. Colored guy
steals something from them...
...they find him dead
on his own doorstep two days later.
A subtle warning.
He didn't steal. He hit the number.
He won it fair and square.
It's his money.
And you.
You wanna explain this?
She's in my class.
She came out of the Royal
when it happened.
You went to the Royal. Why?
James Brown. He's amazing.
Is this that rock 'n' roll?
It's great music.
Well, maybe you should get her
in the car.
This is my dad.
Frightening night.
Yeah, somewhat.
Did you call your parents?
They think I'm sleeping over
at Gail's house tonight.
That saves a complicated explanation.
I don't know how I'd tell my father.
Dubbie, hey.
How serious?
When did he go into surgery?
421 Springdale Avenue.
It's right off Liberty Heights.
Friend of mine was just in a really
bad car accident. He's in Virginia.
Why's he there?
He goes to Washington and Lee.
Wealthy goyim?
His dad works for
Lawrence and Lebbe.
Big law firm. Very connected.
Is he gonna be all right?
I don't know. She said they're
worried about him being paralyzed.