What are you thinking?
I don't know.
I don't know yet.
All right, boys, stand together.
You look like a hood.
Stand up. Stand together.
Come on, pull yourselves together.
Like you know each other.
- We are so proud of you.
- Thank you, Dad.
What do you say we get something
to eat? You wanna go out to eat?
It's your day. You pick it.
Don't make me do that.
Why don't we take a drive
in the country?
First place we get to, we'll stop.
That's where we'll eat.
Sure. Whatever. You guys
work it out. I'll be right back.
- Sylvia, what are you...
- I'll be right back.
- Wait. Where are you going?
- I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
University of Maryland.
We'll keep in touch.
What would happen
if I gave you a kiss?
I think our parents would die.
Take care of yourself.
You too, Ben.