...when Port Henry was the gold-mining
centre of the Northern Territory.
They say nobody eats
canned salmon anymore.
Do you eat it?
Why would I want canned
when I can get fresh?
People in Peoria are saying
the exact same thing.
The only recorded bout
between a domesticated wolf....
He's in that little DeHaviland of his...
...coming in with the wind steady
and the water's like glass...
...doing his usual rap about
the wilderness and the glaciers....
Think you're the only person up here
out of a job?
Trying to impress these two girls.
He's still got his wheels down.
I drop these people off the boat.
He's a bigtime corporate executive.
He's with his second wife and
two kids from the first marriage.
Those wheels dig in.
He flips tail over head.
They got heated tents,
freeze-dried gourmet dinners.
They're wearing about
$4000 worth of Gore-Tex.
The Beaver's lying belly up in the
channel. The two girls are unconscious.
He's hanging upside-down, hooked in by
his belt, water coming from all sides.
Two hours they lasted. And the exec
gets me on the radio, saying....
Head-on into some other bozo in a Piper
Cub whose eyes are also down on water.
It's so cold, your spit's frozen
solid before it even hits the ground.
And the metal has that tinny sound
when you slam the door...
...like the thing's gonna shatter.
There haven't been shootings.
Can't see the front of my plane,
this fog's so thick.
Harvest the resources, my ass.
A man goes out, he makes a set
and he catches fish, goddamn it!
He's not a goddamn farmer!
There's mountain peaks
all around me.
The Russians, the Japanese
scooping up our crab.
But it's been the setting
for many a confrontation.
Long time no see.
Smilin' Jack. What
brings you down this altitude?
Flew some medical supply
salesmen in from Cordova.
There's a thousand of them
at the Convention Centre.