It was called "Gold Fever."
In 1 897, the first wave of fortune
seekers swept through Port Henry...
...on their way to Skagway, the Chilkoot
Pass and the Yukon gold fields.
They were desperate men...
...willing to perish in search of one
big strike every prospector dreamed of.
It could be the entire cruise,
or you may work just one leg...
...lay over at a stop and
switch to a different ship.
How much time would I spend at home?
We like to think of our vessels
as a kind of home.
Not much, huh?
We have this job for you.
It's different.
-We have this ship--
We have this boat.
The Raven.
We had the engine overhauled,
put a new gill net drum on it.
Harmon King's boat.
It's our boat now.
-He gave us his license.
-His entry permit.
Just to make up for some of the money
he still owes us.
We want you to go out.
To go out?
Go out and fish.
I'm not a fisherman.
Well, you used to be, right?
I mean, you know
what you're doing on a boat.
I suppose.
So you could, if you wanted to.
Yeah, if I wanted to.
We could figure out some kind
of percentage deal.
We don't know if we wanna keep it.
With the season almost over,
and the license so expensive--
You're not tight with Harmon, are you?
Not especially, no.
If you could just go down to the marina,
look it over.
Tell us if you need anything
to make it operational.
I haven't been commercial fishing
for 25 years.
Has it changed that much?
Well, more technology, but I just....
You're bailing us out.
It's a matter of credibility.
If we let people walk all over us--
I'll have to think about it.
Think about it. Go down,
look at the ship-- the boat...
...figure out who you'd like
to have for your crew.
You think people'd do that,
knowing that it's Harmon's boat?
You can always get somebody.