This is one of them...
high-powered jobs, innit?
I've got some bad news
for you, John.
What the fuck!
Mind your language
in front of the boy.
Jesus Christ!
That includes blasphemy.
Now tell me, John,
how can you concentrate
on improving this tan -
and it is a lovely tan -
when you've got more pressing
priorities at hand?
Tell Harry...l mean Mr Harry,
I've been busy,
I'm nearly there.
Check his locker, son.
I don't suppose there's a chance
of you lifting this up, Chris?
He's not poor! He's got
over a monkey in his wallet!
Fuckin' hell, John, you go round
with that in your pocket?
Use language like that again,
you'll wish you hadn't!
Sorry, Dad.
Right. Put the rest
of the stuff in that.
You can go home
in a plastic bag tonight.
You owe what you owe.
By the time this tan's faded
you wanna have paid.
- You never would've paid.
- Who would pay for shit?
Exactly. We had to...
What the hell
are you doing here?
What's up?
Let me guess,
my foot in your arse.
Game o'cards - Hatchet Harry?
You're supposed to be
getting your rest in, boy.
You playing cards
tonight, son?
With Harry?
Don't be silly, Dad. I wouldn't
have anything to do with that.
he get a hundred grand?