Two hundred and fifty.
That's quite a raise.
That's one hundred and fifty
on my one hundred.
Is there anything else
you want to say?
As you know, this puts us
in an awkward position.
I don't have enough
to continue.
We'll have to see your cards
if no one loans Eddie the money.
It's a loan
or we see both your cards.
I will.
You will what?
I will loan you the money.
No, I think I'd rather
just turn 'em over.
I'm not interested
in what you would rather.
I wanna keep going.
I'm also offering you the money.
We don't have to turn 'em over
because you can borrow.
I need two hundred
and fifty grand.
No, you need five hundred
grand to see me.
That's if I wanna see you.
You're gonna have a problem
carrying on, ain't ya?
I'll see you.
OK, before I loan you this,
I expect -
if you lose, of course -
my money back within a week.
Crystal? That's Sunday, OK?