When the job's done, we come
straight back here and unload.
And Robert's
your father's brother.
Everyone savvy?
Have a look at these.
What are we supposed
to do with these?
Put them on your head, stupid.
If you think
I'm turning up clean-shaven,
greet them with a grin,
you've got another think coming.
These fellas
are your neighbours.
I thought it might be a good
idea to disguise ourselves.
Right...er, good thinking,
Soap. Well done.
I brought weapons as well.
What do you mean weapons?
Let's keep 'em covered up.
Couldn't you get
anything bigger?
What, like that?
What d'you think?
I think you need help.
Bar steward, can we have
a coupla drinks, please.
Have you seen your dad?
Hatchet sent
one of his men round.
Oh, shit. When?
Where'd you get these,
a fucking museum?
Nick the Greek.
How much did you part with?
700 for the pair.
Drachmas, I hope.
I'd feel safer
with a chicken drumstick.
These are gonna do
more harm than good.
Jesus, Tom. Do these work?
I don't know. Look nice though.
I rather like 'em.
That's top of priorities,
that is.
Ladies, back to more important
issues, if you don't mind.
We've only got two real guns -
apparently that's what they are.