So we find a good place
to hide next door.
We wait till it's the right
time, then jack-in-the-box,
Iook nasty and stuff, cocoon 'em
in gaffer tape, nick their van,
swap the gear into the new van
and bring it back here.
As long as we're out
of our hiding places quickly,
it's the last thing
you'd expect.
If Tom or anyone else feels
like giving 'em a kicking,
I'm sure it won't do any harm.
Yeah, little bit of pain
never hurt anybody.
If you know what I mean.
Also, I think knives
are a good idea.
Big, fuck-off shiny ones.
Ones that look like
they could skin a crocodile.
Knives are good because
they don't make any noise.
The less noise they make, the
more likely we are to use 'em.
Shit 'em right up.
Makes it look
like we're serious.
Guns for show,
knives for a pro.
Soap, is there something
we should know about you?
I'm not sure what's more
worrying, the job or your past?
Come on, girls.
Where the fuck are they going?
Shift a piano?
I thought this was meant
to be a robbery.
Where'd they get those outfits?
Not a bad idea that.
All right, it's Plank.
Is Willie there?
No, I'm afraid he's not.
He's out at the moment.
Perhaps you can help.
Perhaps I can't,
if you know what I mean.
If you could open the door so
I could talk without shouting.
I can't help.
You'll find
it's in your interest.
Hold on, OK?
Willie, it's Plank for you.
He says it's in our interest.
I don't care if it's
he's not coming in here,
not today.
Hold on. We are in business
and...correct me if I'm wrong