Thanks for coming.
How are you?
Thanks for calling.
I thought you wouldn't.
I received your message
by coincidence.
I quit the police force
two weeks ago.
I went to get my things.
Yes, so I was told.
I'm glad I found you.
You shouldn't have
gone there alone.
It could have been very dangerous.
What was I supposed to do?
Stay calm?
I knew what sanatorium
she was talking about.
We used to take her to that beach.
And her voice...
was so similar.
Did you notice any
food, clothing...?
There were many things, ...
mattresses on the floor.
I don't know, Claudia.
Your daughter is dead,
and you know that.
I did before.
Now I don't know.
I found this in a box.
It was there for me to find.
Now I'm not sure of anything.
I don't know what to think.
Someone is trying to
torment you.
I don't know who nor why.
But your daughter is dead.
I saw the body.
She was dead.