What a character to ask.
If you want to know
anything about them, ...
ask me.
You know them?
They used to live there.
But they left.
They lost their daughter
and left.
She was kidnapped,
or got lost.
Who knows?
-She was lame.
-How long ago?
Quite a while.
I still worked at the factory.
About five years ago?
Those people.
Did they move about 5 years ago?
More or less.
it's Massera.
I've discovered something.
Something very strange.
You may be right.
-I'm not sure but...
something doesn't add up.
Take a cab and meet me
at the Papal University...
in about an hour.
I think I know of someone
who can help us.
Fuck, man!
I've been waiting
for half an hour!
-I got lost.
-Let's get going.
We've lost enough time.
I hope they don't all cry.
This is full of virgins.
The guy who called
is the sacristan.