It was a German doctor.
Bolggen or Bolgger, I
don't remember too well.
He contacted me.
He was a neurologist.
I had never seen anyone as
scared in my entire life.
He had been a consultant of
the German Health Institute...
during the war.
He was involved in medical
experiments in Dachau...
related to the
Pharmaceutical Chemistry...
Section of the nazis.
All that shit!
He said a certain Santini...
brought him over from Germany...
to finance certain research
he would be carrying out.
about dominating pain.
As it seems, that Santini...
got him into a esoteric group.
Something weird.
He forced him to experiment with
people, or something like that.
They seemed to be
after something.
At the end, it must have
become too involved...
and Santini ended up in jail.
But they released the doctor.
That's when he called me.
I went to his place.
I still remember the address.
He was so scared, he didn't
dare walk out on the street.
He was involved with
"the nameless"...
and was up to his neck in shit.
If Santini was locked away,
who the fuck was he scared of?
Of the others.
All the others.
The nameless.