You will not win this game!
Because it's a game, guys.
You want to think it's not?
Go back to the schoolyard...
and you have that crush
on big-titted Mary Jane.
Respect the cock.
You are embedding this thought.
I am the one who's in charge.
I am the one who says yes!
Because it's universal, man.
It is evolutional.
It is anthropological.
It is biological.
It is animal.
You Gwenovier?
I'm Captain Muffy,
Frank's personal assistant.
This is Doc.
We can go in right down here.
He started
about thirty-five minutes ago...
but he's probably getting
all pumped up right now.
Look down
at the top of the page.
What does it say?
Get a calendar!
That's right.
I cannot stress this enough.
It's a simple item.
It's 99 cents at the store.
But if you look into your packs,
reach deep...
you'll see I have been
nice enough to include one.
That's just
the kind of prick I am.
You need this calendar.
It doesn't seem like much.
It's a simple, small item...
but it is going to make all
the difference in your world.