
They're moving towards a half
million dollar team total...

a "What Do Kids Know?" record!

Pink Dot.
Hi. I'd like to get
an order for delivery.

- Phone number?
- 818-725-4424.

What would you like?

I'd like to get an order
of peanut butter...

Camel Lights, water...

Bottled water?
No. You know what,
forget the water.

Just give me a loaf of bread.
White bread.

And do you have
"Playboy" magazine?

One of those.
And "Penthouse," the magazine?
You have that?
One of those.

And "Hustler"?
Do you have that?
- Yes, I said. That it?
- That's it.

Still want the peanut butter,
bread, and cigarettes?

Yeah. What?
The total is 31.90.
Thirty minutes or less.

Thank you.
- Cash or credit card?
- Cash.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Respect the cock
and tame the cunt!

Have a great lunch!
This is Gwenovier
from the show "Profiles."

She's here for the interview.
- It's nice to meet you.
- I admire your work.

Thank you.
I have us set up...

It's not very safe for you here.
I finish one of
these seminars, Gwenovier...

I swear to fucking God,
I am Batman.

I'm Superman.
I'm like a fucking action hero,
the way I feel after that.

I could walk outta this room
right now, Gwenovier...

go down the hall,
walk down the street...

and I could pick up
any sweet little honey...

that has even one second
to stop.
