-Which grade are you in?
What do they teach at school?
-They do.
Do they teach you about tortoises?
-Have you ever seen a tortoise?
-Yes, l have.
-Have you seen a tortoise's home?
-No, l haven't.
Let me show you one then.
Then we'll drink something.
-lsn't this our friend the donkey?
-Do you like donkeys?
-Yes, l do.
-Look it's answering.
l want to know why people use
donkey' as a swear word?
They're such useful animals.
What do they do for us?
-Carry loads.
They have to cary loads?
They are not called
donkey in vain.
The humans are more donkeylike.
My friend the donkey,
my friend donkey the donkey's son.
Ali look, a tortoise.
Come on.
lt's escaping. Hurry.
Not bad!
Wait a minute!
Look at it.
Look how it hides its head.
Let's put it somewhere...
we can shoot it better.
How' s that? -Nice.
-lt is quite an old one.
Have you seen one before?
-Yes, l have.