-l'm all alone, my friend.
What's to be done? That's life.
No two go at the same time.
One of them always goes first.
That's life.
-Weren't they in the front pocket?
-l misunderstood you.
Take the camera.
See this part.
Read it down to here.
- Right.
Uncle Pire
you'll repeat what
Saffet will read you.
As if...
lt must sound realistic, yes?
Listen carefully.
Saffet, start. ''We went into
the villages to find food.
Again! As if you're telling the story.
Use your hands.
Right. ''We went into the villages
to find food.
We knocked on the door
and a man answered.
He said ''Maho''.
-Hold on, that's no sentence.
We knocked on the door and a man
answered. The sentence goes on.
lt continues with Maho.
-l read it like that. -God!
We knocked on the door and a man
answered. He said Maho.
And that's all.
Then we went to the next house.
Uncle Pire. You have to
say it as if you'd lived it.
l am saying it like he did.
But your hands are
on the table.