Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

That's what He did...
:02:02 stupid pig!
And if only one of you wants...
:02:09 hear me...
...he has to wait...
...until this fucking scum has left.
If I may quote:
"Thou shalt recognize them by
their works." That's what counts.

Munich, 3 Elisabeth Street
How do you do, Mr. Herzog?
Herr von der Recke, I hope you
are prepared for this invasion.

Yes, we are.
You do know, that this apartment
has a very special meaning for me.

As a thirteen-year-old
schoolboy, I used to live here...

...with my mother and
my two brothers.

This was a small, rather shabby
boarding house...

:03:42 restored of course.
- That was in the Fifties?

I was just thirteen.
The odd thing was that I lived here
with Klaus Kinski for 3 months.

Oh, really?
It was a chain of coincidences.
The owner of the boarding house,
Klara Rieth, an elderly lady of 65...
