Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

Yes, we enlarged the bathroom.
That's where we used to live,
my mother and the three boys.

The four of us in just
one single room.

There were bunks. We were rather
poor, and my mother tried somehow...

:05:17 take part in the economic
miracle but got left behind.

This bath was smaller because
our room reached up to here.

Kinski had locked himself in this
bathroom for 2 days and 2 nights.

For forty-eight hours.
in his maniacal fury, he smashed
everything to smithereens.

The bathtub, the toilet bowl -

You could sift it through a tennis
racket. It was really incredible.

I never thought it possible that
someone could rave for 48 hours.

They called the police in the end,
but they left him in peace.

He was put up there,
in a tiny staff room.

- May I?
- Please, go ahead.

It was completely different, then,
there was a long corridor...

...and here there were one,
two, three small rooms.

And here must have been
a wall and an entrance.

The corridor went along here.
And this here was Kinski's room.
There was only room for
a bed and a small night table.

And that was his window
looking onto the backyard.

One day, Kinski took a huge
running start down the corridor...

...while we were eating. I heard
a strange noise and then...

:06:48 an exlosion the door came off
its hinges crashing into the room.

He must have jumped against it at
full speed, and now he stood there...
