Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

At first I couldn't figure
out what was going on.

All I heard were inarticulate screams
at the other end of the line.

It was Kinski.
After about half an hour, I could
filter out from his screams...

...that he was ecstatic about the
screenplay and wanted to be Aguirre.

The shooting of "Aguirre" was
faced with two pressing problems.

One was the budget.

Today, it is inconceivable that we
made the film with only $370,000.

No one was interested
in financing it, and what's more...

...later, no one even wanted to
see the film for years.

Kinski was the next problem.
At the time, he had just cut
short a Jesus tour.

He had appeared in huge arenas,
in the Deutschland Halle in Berlin...

...and the audience merely
wanted to watch him rave.

He was laughed at, had terrible
fits and raved and screamed...

...and arrived here at our location as
a derided, misunderstood Jesus.

He had wholly identified with his
role and continued to live on in it.

Often, it was difficult to talk to him,
because he answered like Jesus.

in his earlier phase you could
watch him in similar self-stylizations.

As François Villon,
the poor, vagrant poet.

Then as Dostoyevsky's idiot,
and later in his life, as Paganini.

What is more, he had been
fascinated by the screenplay...

...which had a different beginning
from the finished film.
