Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

He wanted the shot to embrace
all of scenic Machu Picchu...

...including the peak, just like a
Hollywood-style movie...

...with the landscape as a beautiful
backdrop, exploited for the scene.

Commercials work that way.
Postcards look like that...

...but I wanted an ecstatic
detail of that landscape...

...where all the drama, passion and
human pathos became visible.

He just didn't understand this,
but for me it was something crucial.

A landscape with almost
human qualities.

Kinski replied, the only fascinating
landscape on this earth...

...was the human face.
After that I removed him
from this shot.

I also had the feeling that this
scene without any faces...

...would stick in the spectators'
minds for a long time.

Kinski raved about my
being a megalomaniac.

I answered him back:
"That makes two of us!"

Finally, at 11 am, everything
opened up, and here...

...on the right-hand side, very
strangely, the clouds stayed put...

...and to the left they parted and
then the file of people came down.

While we were shooting, I
had a very profound feeling...

:18:46 if the grace of God was with
this film and with me.

As if I were witnessing
something extraordinary...

...which I would never see again.
