Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

Yes, we have to leave.
Strange, how memory can
magnify something like that.

The following scene, where he
orders Maximilian Schell to be shot...

...seems much more
impressive to me today.

- Will he be shot?
- It's outragous, you can't do this!

You have to listen to him, at least.
We beg you.

But this is murder!
It can't be decided just like that!

Lately it can.
Lima, the airport.
On the traces of the past,
I met Justo Gozalez...

...who works here as a tourist
guide and has been waiting for me.

He was one of the Spanish
soldiers from Aguirre's expedition.

We hadn't seen each
other for more than 25 years.

22nd of February. We are
suffering terrible hardship.

The men have a fever
and are hallucinating.

Hardly anybody can
still keep on his legs.

The soldier Justo Gonzalez drank
my ink, thinking it was medicine.

I can't write anymore.
We are drifting in circles.
