Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

Both to the right and left, we had
fastened 60 steel cables to the rock...

:29:07 that the boat was able
to pull itself up with the winches.

All that took about eleven days...
...just to pull the boat
half a mile into these rapids.

Then something
unexpected happened.

The water rose another 6 feet
and the 14 steel cables...

...each with a diameter of 3 inches
were torn up with a single jerk.

The boat capsized, laying
almost horizontally in the water.

More bizarre, there was a pregnant
woman on board. The cook's wife.

The cook in mortal fear...
...looking for something vertical,
jumped on half a pig.

He clutched it and went
swinging on this pig.

Later on, he had to endure some
jokes about this of course...

Kinski knew about this incident.
We did some shooting here,
without any crew on board...

...and the boat was hurled into
the rocks with such an impact...

...that the keel was wrapped around
itself like the lid of a sardine tin.

The anchor had penetrated
the thick metal wall.

Everyone knew it,
including Kinski.

I then thought we should shoot
with a couple of cameras on board.

We had six volunteers and
suddenly Kinski said...

"If you go on board,
I'm coming with you.

If you sink, I shall sink too."
