Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

...were contained within the
frame of a screen image.

I thank his cowardice
and his instincts...

...for a magnificent ending
of "Aguirre".

When we reach the sea,
we'll build a bigger boat and...

...with it we'll sail north and take
Trinidad away from the spanish Crown.

From there we'll go on and
take Mexico from Cortez.

What a great betrayal that will be!
We will then control all
of New spain...

...and we will stage history...
:36:54 others stage plays.
I, the Wrath of God...
...will marry my own daughter...
...and with her found
the purest dynasty...

...ever known to man.
Together we will rule the
whole of this continent.

We will endure.
I am the Wrath of God...
...who else is with me?
